Frequently Asked Questions About
It’s been said often that the absence of information is the fertile grounds for rumours A progressive organization like Top on Top Success Global Limited is expected to be exposed to rumour-mongering. Sometimes malicious pieces of information may be deliberately spread by ‘only-God-knows’ persons. But some rumours are purely products of misconceptions about the company’s operations.
It’s good to hear from the horse’s mouth.
This piece addresses 5 most frequently asked questions and complaints about Top Success. It’ll be updated from time to time to address other questions that may gain prominence in the future.
Question 1: Do Top Success stores open on Saturdays and Sundays?
Top Success observes normal business operating hours from Monday to Friday. The company would have loved to close business on weekends like other business. But in the interest of customer satisfaction, we have decided to include weekends in our business schedule. So, Monday to Saturday all the stores open 7 am. to 7 pm. However, the stores open by noon on Sundays.
Nevertheless, the business runs 24/7. How? You can contact any Top Success customer lines at any time. And this website as you can see is quite interactive. Keep checking from time to time for updates to any information about Top Success business hours.
Question 2: I have called Top Success customer care lines a few times and I got no response?
The company deeply regrets that! That should be an isolated case. The company, in effect, operates 24/7. Even if you can’t walk to any of our stores before and after official operating hours, our customer service department runs round the clock. However, a few things could be responsible for missing your calls.
Our customer service personnel are always busy assisting customers because we don’t toy with customer’s satisfaction. We simply take delight in helping. So when all our customer care agents are busy attending to standing customers and or those on the line, your calls may be on the queue. We won’t like to answer your calls and tell you to hold on or call back. We know the cost implications of that.
When next you call Top Success customer care line, please endeavour to be perseverance. Call back again a few minutes later if your call is not answered. It should be understood that calling business organizations like us, you may not be through at the first attempt. It’s the norm worldwide. In spite of this, we’ll always attempt to answer your calls promptly. But please keep it brief and straightforward when you get through, know that other customers may also want to call in.
Question 3: Are there warranties on Top Success products?
Yes. Most of the phones you pick up at any of Top Success stores are covered by warranty. We hold franchise only for companies whose products’ warranties are sympathetic of unsatisfied customers. However, you need to understand that there are terms and conditions contained in the warranties and guarantees law worldwide.
Please note that product warranties are not at the instance of Top Success. It’s at the instance of manufacturers. Thus, any product returned will be returned for the manufacturer service centre for repair or an outright replacement. Another condition is that all warrantied products have a limited period covered by warranties. So you can return a phone or a laptop if it’s still within the period covered. This will be calculated from the date you bought the product as contained on your receipt.
Thirdly and highly important, a product warranty automatically expires if you allow any other person to work on the product. Our agents will check and ascertain that the product has not been opened, screwed, or unscrewed by anyone. If any phone you bought from our store malfunctions shortly after you left, don’t expect an automatic replacement. It will go through the normal warranty process. But you’ll be happy thereafter.
There are several other terms and conditions that apply. That’s why we always encourage customers to test their products and certify them okay before making payments. You should also always follow the manufacturer’s manual and read terms of use and abuse and see how a product remains covered by warranty.
Question 4: Are phone accessories covered by warranties?
We wish to answer in the affirmative YES. But unfortunately, we are unable to provide warranties for all phone accessories. Note that this is not our exclusive challenge. All spare parts and accessories of every product don’t come with warranties. Even airplane manufacturers manufacture their own products’ spare parts. Otherwise, no one can guaranty you that a product of one company used with the product of another will perform optimally satisfactorily.
However, we sell only quality products at Top Success. We deal with only reputable companies with efficient quality control systems. Thus, in 99% of the cases, any phone accessory you buy from us will be of superior quality. We even go out of our ways to assist those who are genuinely unsatisfied with the performance of whatever they have bought.
We have put various procedures in place to help any customer who brings a genuine case of a product malfunction or dysfunction. It’s not a general thing; each case will be accessed and handled according to the peculiarity. It’s even possible to replace the product altogether.
Question 5: Some people say that Top Success prices are high, how true is that?
It depends on the person’s viewpoint. But the straight answer is this: Top Success stores are where you will find the best value for your spending. In fact, our prices are among the best. If you find a product at a cheaper price than what you’re given at Top Success, you’ve got to look well. You may take along a technician before you buy such an item if you care about the quality.

Our prices are a reflection of the most considerate negotiation with the manufacturer’s agents. We have factored quality assurance and various discounts and rebates into our pricing. We have also worked in after sales service and customer care. So we’re not one the companies that change stories or disappear into the thin air after collecting your money.
We can assure you that you will get value for your spending.