How do you feel when you get a new phone? I am sure you are happy. I have heard people say that the mobile phone is as important as life itself. This is very true because humans cannot underestimate the importance of this device.
Mobile phones are efficient communication devices and makes life easier. Whether locating a friend or following up with a new contact, mobile phones allow you to connect to people in any part of the world.
With only our mobile devices we can read books, read news headlines, listen to music, take pictures, watch videos, play games, create and edit documents, get a medical opinion, hold a conference meeting and much more.
Therefore, should you not cherish this device as a precious tool? Our mobile phones can be compared to parts of our body. We realize just how important it is to take care of our body from being harmed, likewise, our mobile devices need to be protected.
In this article, we will briefly discuss tips on protecting your phone from damage.
TIP 1: Use a Good Screen Protector
The display of the phone is the most important part of the device. It is also the most fragile and the most expensive part of the handset. At a slight drop or by mishandling or by mere carelessness, the screen is bound to crack or shatter. And a cracked or shattered display looks awful and may also malfunction.
To avoid this it is recommended that you use a good screen protector. Get a good quality tempered glass screen protector. This will prevent the screen from scratches and also give added protection to the display to a great extent.
The screen protector should be the first accessory you should buy for your phone. At Top Success, we sell quality, good screen protectors. You can visit any of our stores closer to you to get one for your phone.

TIP 2: Use a good quality Phone Case (Pouch)
Our phones are handheld and because we are engaged in a different task at a time our phones most times slipped off our hands and get damaged.
To avoid this from happening, it is strongly advised that you use a phone case. This will ensure maximum physical protection to your handset. It is not necessary that you opt for an expensive branded case, even a good quality non-branded one will suffice and give you the same kind of protection to your handset.
Get yours today at any of our Stores closer to you or contact our Customer Care on +2348074888888.

TIP 3: Personal Care
One of the easy ways people keep their phones is in their pockets. Sadly many keep their phones in their pocket together with sharp objects such as keys, flash drives, or anything that could scratch or damage the screen of the phone. So it is advisable not to put anything together with your phone in your pocket.
Also, you avoid placing your phone in the rear pocket or at the back of your tight jean because there is a possibility that your phone might bend or just snap when you attempt to sit. Do not carelessly leave your phone where your little kids or toddler may unknowingly throw it on the floor.
TIP 4: Standard Scratch Resistant
To protect your phone from unnecessary scratch you can always get a Nano – Coating Screen Protector. These Nano-coating liquid screen protectors will protect your smartphone from having a rough screen.
It’s also resist liquid penetration in to the screen on 80% resistance from any liquid such as from drinks, water or rain, so if your phone is not water-resistant, you can walk into any of our stores to get one for your phone. These Nano-coating liquid screen protectors will protect your smartphone on 80% from liquid penetration.
You can walk into any of Top Success outlet to get one for your device.

TIP 5: Hold with a Firm Grip
We can’t do without our phones falling off our hands. The most common reason for phones dropping from your hand is due to the method in which you are holding the smartphone. Hence it is necessary to get a good grip on the device or a good phone holder. The way you catch your gadget is very important to prevent it from falling down.
TIP 6: Refrain Your Phone from Extreme Temperature
Generally, we say that excess of everything is bad and for mobile phones extremely hot and extremely cold temperature is harmful. Highly cold temperature damages the smartphone’s internal parts and makes it more stiff and rigid while excessive hot temperature causes data loss and shortens your mobile phone battery. Now question is that how can you avoid extreme temperatures?
In excessive cold temperatures don’t leave your phone outside and always put it in your t-shirt’s internal pocket. Also while in a car make sure to keep it is inside your dashboard or in your pocket. In excessive hot temperatures make sure to keep your phone away from sunlight and try to put the phone at room temperature. While driving do not keep it on the top of the dashboard because it will affect the internal parts and battery of the mobile phone. At any time, if your phone face excessive cold or hot then quickly bring it to room temperature.
TIP 7: Refrain from using Different Chargers on your Phone
Always charge your phone with its own charger. Unlike laptops, smartphones use a universal charging interface the micro USB port. However, if the charger you use does not match the original, it will affect battery performance, capacity to store charge, and overall life (if done repeatedly). Always ensure that the replacement charger’s output voltage (V) and current (Ampere) rating matches the original adapter or is approved by the phone’s manufacturer.
More information on tip 7 will be given in my next article.
Rather than breaking your phone and paying high expenses on its repair, you can follow some simple tips that avoid high expenses but make your phone long-lasting and estimable.
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